RAFFLE Tickets - $5 each or 5 for $20
Raffle will be held at our Glitter and Gold Holiday Event on 11/25/23 at Monarch Thrift Shop, 2875 N Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, IL from 6-9PM. Purchase tickets to the event separately. Single raffle tickets are $5 or groups of 5 raffle tickets for $20. No tickets may be sold outside of Illinois.
Items currently include (more being added):
- Apple iPad 7th generation
- First Ascent Guided Climb for 4
- All We Remember Organic Cotton Scarf (made in the USA)
- El Dorado Thrift gift card
- Crema Coffee gift cards
- Pottery
If you'd like your ticket placed in the jar for specific item(s), indicate that in a note with your order at checkout. All unspecified tickets will be distributed at random among raffle items.
Unclaimed prizes will be donated at board's discretion on December 31, 2023.